Paul Colichman

Paul Colichman is a media entrepreneur who began the gay cable channel Here! and the Internet portal John Waters nicknamed Colichman "the gay Citizen Hearst."[1]

He attended the University of California, Los Angeles and received an M.B.A.[1] After graduating from UCLA, Colichman worked briefly at Fox before partnering with Miles Copeland III in the film company I.R.S. Media.[1]

In 1995, Peter Dekom introduced Colichman to Stephen P. Jarchow, a tax and real estate lawyer. While the two men are opposites in demeanor and lifestyle, they share a business vision that led them to form Regent Entertainment.[1]

The critical and commercial success of Regent's Gods and Monsters inspired Colichman and Jarchow to launch Here! As of 2008, the two men report investing about $40 million of their own money and Regent profits in the cable channel.[1]

In 2008, Colichman and Jarchow announced a $6.5 million deal to buy the gay newsmagazine The Advocate, the gay monthly magazine Out and related publications. The deal includes acquisition of three adult magazines — Freshmen, Unzipped, and Men — and the domain name. Colichman announced that the site would end sales of adult films and sex toys and be reoriented toward promoting Out and The Advocate.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Eller, Claudia. (2008, June 29). Paul Colichman is building a gay media empire. The Los Angeles Times [1]